Friday, March 14, 2014

About Cikukua Lantang

Noisy Friarbird
Philemon corniculatus ( Latham , 1790 )

Cikukua aloud © Dale A. Zimmerman
description (see also: obat burung)
Large size ( 30 cm ) . Cikukua common in the Trans - Fly savanna . The whole face , crown and nape bare ( black -headed look from afar ) . There is a knob on the beak . There is no kind of lai that whole bald head and around her neck a white fringe .

Single nasalized sound , high pitch sound like a slow version of the gray crow . Chirp duet slower than Cikukua horn .
Not yet available sound recordings of birds taken in Indonesia

Distribution and Race
Locally abundant in the Trans - Fly savanna , southern Papua . Consists of two sub - species , with a distribution area :

corniculatus ( Latham , 1790 ) - Papua southern ( S. Wassi Kussa east to S. Oriomo ) and northeastern Australia .
monachus ( Latham , 1801 ) - eastern and southeastern Australia .
Place of Life and Habit
Noisy and active , in the wooded savanna , eucalyptus forests , coastal scrub , wetlands and flooded forests . Feed on nectar , fruit , insects and inveteberata , sometimes also mekangsa bird eggs and chicks .
Only the female builds a nest , in a bowl -shaped , composed of bark and grass dijali with cobwebs , and placed on the tree branches . Females lay eggs , but their partners also seek food for puppies to be able to fly and leave the nest . (see also: vitamin burung)

IUCN Red List : Low Risk ( LC )
International trade : -
Protection : PP. 7/1999


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